Wednesday, April 30, 2008

argument... living on campus

There are so many huge benefits of living on campus your freshman year. From all the resourses to jsut being connected with other students. During your freshman year you need the support of your peers and a learning environment to truely take advantage of your education.
Some argue that some freshman cant take school seriously when they are around so much distraction but i believe that is a personal issue with each student and there are statistics that say if you live on campus you are more likely to graduate on time or jsut at all. It is also a way to get involved especially for out of state students that dont know anybody yet.


Animal cruelty in America is a huge problem that needs to be resolved. Although it has been beneficial in the past, it is time to change and find alturnatives to using animals. 17 million animals are used for animal testing per year. 4 million of them are used for non-medical products.
It is true that medical break throghs have come from animal testing but this does not mean that we should keep relying on it instead of thinking of future alturnatives. Animal rights activists argue that it is barbaric and that we should use new ways to test deseases instead of injecting them in to innocent animals.
Although this problem will not end soon laws are being passed to help protect and save some animals from the torture of being tested on. This is a problem that needs to be recognized more and hopefully ended.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

In this ad Britney Spears is trying to sell her new product. At first glance the purfum seems like something that would be light and smell very good. The author dresses her up in clothes that are very lightly colored and also very small. She shows a lot of skin s which always brings girls to think that if they buy the product they will look like the model in the ad.
The audience is definitely young woman. The focus is the make them buy the product that is being advertised. The author uses a very famous person which draws woman of all ages to the ad. Then uses a nice background with birds to make the audience have a certain relaxed feeling about the product which may be very appealing.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Crash and "The Arab Image" have many similarities and differences. In both the article and the movie the over all theme is to change stereotypes. You can tell through out both that their message is the same, that you cant judge anyone by the way they look. In the movie Crash there are obviously some bad people and others who are just caught up in something bad. This is similar in "The Arab Image" the author tells us that you can not judge Arab people for some of the fanatics and then you can not tell what their religion is just by looking at them either.
There are also differences. "The Arab Image" is focused on one group of people and the movie Crash is focused on many different groups, but through out both the message is the same.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


To me joy is the feeling you have when your are truly happy with what is happening and the people around you. When you are comfortable with your surroundings and have time to put aside any stress or worries.

Joy, to me, is doing something that makes me happy. It's something that that makes me smile and laugh constantly. It would also make me feel calm and relaxed. ~Kristin~

Joy comes from internal blissful events that causes a relaxed and happy mood.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I believe a lot of things on news programs are similar to the story "The Allegory of the Cave" The people in the story are cut off from the world and only know what they are told. When we watch television programs and news programs we can only know what broadcaster and others are explaining to us. We see terrible things when we watch and dont even flinch, but if we can relate to the situation and have had something like that happen to us then it is a different story. Just like the people in the story we cant go back to the time when we didnt know what it was like. We cant just forget how we felt or what the situation was like. Television and news programs especially is just like in the story where they were only shown pictures of what the world is like, but until they saw it for themselves they couldnt truly understand.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Gender Issues


I think that these new Dove adds are an effective way of ending some gender steriotypes that have become out of control. They are attempting to show the public what woman really look like. Even the models on billboards dont really look like that. We forget about computer touch ups and the time hair and make up takes when we are just passing by the massive advertisments on the way to school or work everyday.
Dove is trying to show the public that woman are all built differently and trying to protray them as one thin, typical beautiful type is pointless and unaffective. In this particual photo half her face is with no make up and completely natural. It is not bad looking by any means but the half on the right is her after hair make up and computer touch ups. She looks amazing, but its fake. Dove is showing us that if men dont have to be six foot three body builders then woman dont have to be petite with perfect features.
Most adds for beauty products use professional models who are typically beautiful. Tall and thin. They are affective to a point that they can usually sell the product but how does there consumers feel after they have bought it. Unsatisfied and slightly used, what they thought was going to work miricles is not better than the next product. Dove has taken a different approach. They want to make woman feel good and that means making them like the features they all ready has instead of looking at what the rest of society is trying to make them think what they should look like.
Dove is successfully changing what woman see when they look in the mirror. Woman feel like they where supposed to look a certain because society has told them this for so long, but now there is finally an entire product that has decided to change that.